Anglican Church of the Trinity
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Want to use your gifts to help build this new church?
We would love to "plug you in" as we develop and enhance our
ministries, programs, outreach, and service opportunities.

Just send us an email at

to let us know that you're interested in helping, and the leader of
one of our teams will contact you!
We are forming teams to organize and oversee:

Liturgy. Preaching
Altar, Vestments
Pastoral Care
Missions, Outreach
Communications, Technology
Our minimum base weekly expenses are $400 (for preacher honorarium, bulletins and rent). Expenses are
slightly higher in weeks when we celebrate Eucharist.

We are committed to missions, outreach, and God’s work outside of our doors. Monthly, we set aside 5% of
our operating income for missions and outreach (recommendations for disbursement and use of those funds
will come from our Missions/Outreach Team) and we have contributed 5% of our operating income (since
7/1/10) to our Diocese for the work of the larger church.

Our Articles of Incorporation were filed in 2010 and we have received our Certificate of Incorporation, so all
financial contributions are tax-deductible.

Some of our ongoing expenses have been donated; in addition, some of our preachers and other
professionals have returned their honorarium or fee. All of these unreimbursed expenses and donated-back
fees are designated as “unreimbursed & in-kind contributions”and included in the total expenses.